Accessibility Tools

Northampton Primary Academy Trust welcomes children to join schools in our Trust both at the start of their school life (the academic year during which they turn five years old) and as a transfer from another school either at the beginning of an academic year or at any point during an academic year.  

Pupils with an EHC Plan will be allocated a place where the school is named as being the appropriate provision. 

All applications for admission must be made through: 

West Northamptonshire County Council West Northamptonshire County Council

Where applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:  

After the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan that names the school, priority for admission will be given to children in the order shown below:  

  1. Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children 
  1. Siblings 
  1. School Staff 
  1. Children who live nearer to the school than any other school 
  1. Other children 

If you require information about the admissions process or wish to apply for a place at any of our schools, please contact the Admissions Teams at: 

Northamptonshire County Council  

0300 126 1000,  


West Northamptonshire County Council website. 

If you wish to submit an appeal against a place you have been allocated please please refer to this guidance for West Northants 

Further details regarding admissions to any of the NPAT Schools can be found in each school Admissions Policy. 

Stanton Cross Primary School, Wellingborough 

NPAT will be opening a new school in the Stanton Cross development in Wellingborough in September 2022. NPAT will be admissions authority for all applications for a Reception 2022 Stanton Cross Primary School place. Please email for an application form. After this date admissions will be handled by North Northants Council.  

Contact details:  



School admissions | North Northamptonshire Council ( 


Mid - Year Applications

Schools are unable to offer places direct to parents for their children. All school places are allocated by West Northamptonshire Council (formerly Northamptonshire County Council).  They also maintain any waiting lists for individual schools.


Reception Admissions September 2023 - 2024

If your child has been offered a place in Reception for September 2023 we look forward to welcoming them here at Rectory Farm Primary School. If you have any concerns or queries please contact the school office on 01604 411820 and they will be happy to assist you. 


Arranging to Visit Rectory Farm Primary School -  September 2024 Admissions 

Our Headteacher Becca Williams is always happy to show you around the school. Please contact the school office on 01604 411820 to enquire about tour dates. 


Please see below our Admission Policies