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At Rectory Farm, we believe that a grounding in Latin will enhance learners understanding of English and in particular, grammar and etymology (the study of origins and historical development of words). Through the study of Latin, we aspire for our children to develop inquiring minds that can draw out connections between the ancient world and the present, be inspired by the past while becoming confident readers, writers and speakers of another language.

Rectory Farm has a wealth of children who speak English as a foreign language (52%). One of our aims for the Latin curriculum is that children identify the parts of Latin that their own language has inherited. For example, Romanian is the most widely spoken language by our EAL children and has close links to Latin. We hope that these links with modern languages will enable all children to have equal access to the language as well as highlighting connections in our language that unite us.

Latin is the basis of many modern foreign languages. Providing learners with a solid understanding of the basics of Latin in both the spoken and written word, will enable them to confidently apply the knowledge and skills learnt at primary school to languages at KS3 and beyond.

When children move to secondary school, a variety of MFL languages are taught i.e., French, Spanish, German. Learning Latin ensures no ‘doubling up’ and is a good basis from which to learn other languages.


  • We use the carefully sequenced and structured Legonium programme to teach Latin. As of September 2021, learners in Y3 and 4 learn Latin for a minimum of 30 minutes per week, whilst learners in Y5 and Y6 continue to learn French. In September 2022 all learners at RFPS will learn Latin as follows:





September 21





September 22





  • Our Latin curriculum is driven through opportunities to encourage oracy through rich discussion based on our whole school oracy programme. This ensures engagement for all and the opportunity for teachers to check this understanding before learning moves on.
  • Lessons are well sequenced and progressive with retrieval opportunities built in within each lesson and across year groups.
  • We have high aspirations for all children. Our Latin curriculum goes beyond the expectations of the National Curriculum. Children with SEN are taught alongside their peers with scaffolds provided where necessary to ensure learners achieve good outcomes.
  • Learners are provided with speaking, listening, reading and writing opportunities.
  • Latin is taught within a supportive environment where respect for the views of others is paramount.
  • Teachers draw connections with learning in Latin where they occur in other lessons, specifically linked to English vocabulary, spelling or comprehension.
  • Latin working walls with key vocabulary displayed supports learning in lessons.
  • Teachers promote Latin in the environment and in particular draw attention to links to English and other languages spoken.
  • As an ancient language, the Latin curriculum incorporates learning about the culture and legacy of the Romans as well as the skills and knowledge children require to learn the language. In designing the curriculum, the Iris Project (Oxford University’s Latin and Literacy in Primary Schools) was useful in structuring both the links to the English language as well as appropriate myths and other aspects of Roman life to incorporate into Rectory Farm’s curriculum.

Latin Curriculum Journey

Coming Soon

What our children say?

Year Group

Do you enjoy Latin and why?

Year 3- Harrison and Theodore

Yes, because we do not always just talk, we go onto Legonium and this helps us learn – it encourages us to know more about Latin. We like the Lego people 

The Lego people have speech bubbles and they tell us the words in Latin- Harrison 

There are different characters- Livia, Georgina- she teaches animal names 

‘Quid est’ means ‘what is?’ 

When we first started, none of us knew any Latin words  

We spend time talking in trios or pairs this helps our learning because it helps us to practice the Latin. Sometimes it helps when we bring our books home, so we know Latin by ourselves. I brought my Latin book to Mariah’s house. 

We also learnt that the Romans tried to get rid of Christianity, but it was too popular. The Romans taught people to read and write

Year 4- Jacob and Marie

Today there was a word ‘vice versa ‘and we looked at how it was linked to Latin 

You will know where the words you’re speaking come from  

 It helps your main language get better. Today I learnt,

‘Salve Sodalas’ which mean hello 

‘Salve sodalaest’ which means hello for more than one person

‘Vale’ means goodbye   

‘Beneficium’ means well done  


I feel privileged to be leading Latin at Rectory Farm, recognising the huge benefits of exploring an ancient language in stimulating our learners’ linguist curiosity whilst improving their vocabulary and grammar. I regularly liaise with a fellow leader in a neighbouring school to engage in self learning and further enhance our Latin provision.