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At Rectory Farm Primary School, PSHE is at the heart of everything we do. We value the importance of developing our children as individuals and preparing them to thrive in their ongoing education and careers, and for a successful life in modern Britain. We see the importance of children gaining an understanding of the world they’re growing up in and learn how to live alongside and show respect for a diverse range of people.

The overarching aims of our curriculum are that children will:

  • Develop the knowledge, skills and attributes that they need to navigate their lives now and in the future
  • Understand how to keep healthy and safe; including how to have purposeful and reciprocal relationships
  • Understanding the importance of valuing similarities and differences and how to recognise and manage their emotions

Underpinning all learning and woven throughout will be the British values of:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance

We took the strategic decision to adopt the Jigsaw programme to deliver our PSHE curriculum as it builds on our already good practice, is grounded in research and follows a comprehensive and progressive coverage of key concepts. Through the implementation of this curriculum, it is intended that children are taught how to navigate their changing world and supported to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. 

It is our intention that:

By the end of Key Stage One Pupils will:

  • Have a positive relationship with themselves, peers and adults within the school
  • Demonstrate a healthy attitude towards school and learning
  • Begin to demonstrate the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, the rule of law and liberty
  • Know how to stay safe in their physical and digital worlds
  • Begin to have an awareness of their own mental health and well-being
  • Begin to develop an inclusive attitude that challenges discrimination in all of its forms
  • Understand the changes that happen to themselves and other animals and have taken part in age appropriate RSE

By the end of Key Stage Two pupils will:

  • Have a positive relationship with themselves and the wider school community
  • Have developed a positive body image
  • Demonstrate a healthy attitude towards learning and its place in their future
  • Understand what constitutes as a healthy relationship and how to seek help if they find themselves in an unhealthy situation
  • Have respect for themselves and others
  • Know how to stay safe in their digital and physical world
  • Have an inclusive attitude that actively challenges discrimination in all of its forms
  • Have an awareness and understanding of their own mental health and wellbeing and know where to turn for help should they need it
  • Understand change and have strategies to draw on when they need to approach changes in their lives
  • Understand the physical aspects involved with RSE at a developmentally appropriate level

Emotional and social well-being

As a school, we understand the underpinning attributes of emotional and social well-being and the development of these needs for our children to learn and thrive; to support our children, we have a whole school Thrive Approach.

There are five building blocks that comprise the Thrive Approach:

  • Neuroscience
  • The theories behind the approach, including attachment theory and child development theory
  • Thrive-Online to support assessment, action planning and monitoring
  • Relational skills
  • Targeted Thrive activities

It is our intention through the Thrive Approach that we:

  • Have early identification of gaps in students’ emotional development
  • Provide targeted reparative emotional development for identified children through our nurture provision, small group or 1:1 sessions
  • Provide a way to equip children with tools for a secure stress-regulation system that should enable them to settle, to feel safe, to concentrate and learn, to be curious and to be willing to work alongside their peers and work in collaborative ways.
  • Incorporate specific targets into the Jigsaw curriculum that are personalised for whole classes and individual children within them.


Our PSHE programme is built around six half-termly schemes of work from Jigsaw. Each unit encompasses two strands, one specific to Relationships and Health Education and the other designed to build Emotional Literacy. The curriculum is interleaved with opportunities to learn simple mindfulness tools and techniques.

Our curriculum


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

R - 6

Being Me in My World

Understanding their role in their class, their school, their community and globally. Devising Learning Charters for the new school year

Celebrating Differences


Anti-bulling (linked to national week)

And diversity

Dreams and Goals


Aspirations for yourself and the world and the importance of working together

Healthy Me


Drugs and alcohol education. Self-esteem and self-confidence.

Making health choices.



Friendships, family relationships and other relationships. Conflict resolution and communication

Changing Me


Sex and relationships education (at an age appropriate level.) Coping positively with change.


Emotional development plan through the Thrive approach


Online safety

A thread throughout the Jigsaw programme to support the teaching of online safety is ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe Online’. In addition to this, Online Behaviours and Online Safety are specifically taught and addressed each half term through a combination of ‘National Online Safety’ About Us | National Online Safety and ‘Project Evolve’ resources, which cover each of the 330 statements from UK Council for Internet Safety’s Framework (UKCIS): ‘Education for a Connected World.”

The following areas are covered through this framework:

  • Self-Image and Identity
  • Online Relationships
  • Online Reputation
  • Online Bullying
  • Managing Online Information
  • Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
  • Privacy and Security
  • Copyright and Ownership

Teaching Style

Our highly effective teaching in PSHE is developed through adopting a consistent approach and the follow up and follow through of our curriculum leaders; who monitor delivery and train and develop our teachers. Sessions are taught using a combination of quality circle time, discussion and response tasks; key points are recorded in a class PSHE book.

PSHE content is evident in our classrooms on a daily basis, it is not constrained to timetabled sessions. In all classes, children check in for the day using an Zones of Regulation board which is followed up by the year group adults, and all year groups have access to Calm Areas which they are trained to use in times of heightened emotion.

British Values

Children learn about the British Values through assemblies and classroom discussions. They are also covered through our PSHE, RE, History and Geography curriculum.

In PSCE our Jigsaw and Nurture units are closely linked to the teaching of British values and more information can be found within the individual schemes of work.

At Rectory Farm Primary School, our PSHE approach is further developed through:

  • Our bespoke Nurture curriculum
  • Thrive assessments, targets and small group/ 1:1 reparative emotional literacy sessions
  • Termly e-safety lessons (National Online Safety and Project Evolve))
  • Anti-bullying awareness
  • NSPCC visits
  • Liaison with outside agencies
  • PSHE Areas in classrooms
  • School Council
  • Pupil Voice
  • Our positive behaviour ladder
  • Inclusion opportunities
  • Community links
  • Sports Leaders
  • Supporting local and wider world charities

What do our children say?

10/5/22 Pupil Voice

Year Group

What have you been learning about in your PSHE lessons?

Have you learnt something new that you didn’t know before?

What helps you to learn?

Why is PSHE important?


Year 1

E – Learning about Being healthy. Sleep, washing your hands, eating vegetables and drinking water. We also learnt about if something happened who could we tell; we wrote them all down.  

C – eating healthy, exercising.  

E – searched through the book to help her. That we have so many people in school who will help us and listen if something happens.

E - If you stayed up really late, that wouldn’t help learning as you’d drift off to sleep.

C - my teacher

E – because when you grow up if you want to be a teacher to need to know to teach other children. It will help you to know how to make friends and help others to do that too.

C – if you have a worry and you didn’t know what to do this will help you.

Year 2

L – If some people were poor, we can do something and help them. If they fell, you could help them get up. Relationships is when you like be together with your friends and family or someone who you spend time with. We also set ourselves goals.

Z – We have learnt about conflict and how you can fix it. How you can make friends again, what you can say. We also learnt about keeping our body safe – eating healthy, getting the right amount of sleep. Don’t drink unhealthy things and brush your teeth. Stay away from strangers. You have a relationship with your friends or family

Z – I didn’t know a relationship could be when you have friends, I thought it just for family.

L – I learnt that to stay safe I need to stay away from people you don’t know. We can keep healthy by eating 5 vegetables a day and drinking lots of water.

Z – writing things down help me to earn and remember.

L - it is easier for me to talk things through with different friends and the teacher.

 Z – So you know what you need to help other people and to be healthy. so, you know what is the right and wrong thing to do. So, you don’t give strangers the wrong information like where you live or talk to them. So you don’t laugh at people o

L - Who might have no mum or two mums or something like that – we understand.

Year 3

R – We don’t talk to people we don’t know online. We looked our health – healthy foods and what you can do to be healthy like sports. We have acted out problems.

T – We have learnt how to stay safe online. We do not pass out any personal information or anyone else’s’ or show any clothing with a school logo on, if there is anything you see that you don’t like you tell an adult. Being healthy – the food pyramid. At the top there were fats because they are really bad for you but at the bottom of the pyramid were ones that were good.

R - I didn’t know about eating healthy and what things were best to eat more of. It is my favourite subject – I love to discuss these topics and acting things out.

T – I have learnt all of these things, when I was younger, I didn’t think about them or discuss them, it is good to know them now I know. It’s

R – discussing things with other people and acting things out, that really help me to remember.

T – It’s Mrs Goldring that helps me – she develops my knowledge.

R - so we can learn our own health. When we grow up and are out of school, we know how to stay safe on line. It can prepare us for if we have children to feed them right and help them get an education and keeping them sae, happy and healthy.

T – because it teaches me how things work and how as humans, we can do things.

Year 4

L – we start with a calm down session as we can be a bit hyper. We are learning about loss – who or what we may have lost. We looked at how and what we could use for good memories. We looked at creating a memory box. We have looked at different emotions you may feel through loss. We have also looked at what you need to stay alive. Who makes us happy could be family, animals?  There are warning signs on smoking, but it is too addictive – my mum started vaping because of this I helped her.

E – we were talking about losing family members or when people move to a different country or if someone just left, parents divorced or split up – it doesn’t have to be through death. We have looked at how you behave at home and how to show respect towards people who help us. We also looked at who makes us happy. We looked at how smoking and drinking affects your body and in young people your lungs especially as they are not developed yet.   

E – I love PSHE, so I listen – it’s good to know it all. I learnt that drinking too much can affect your liver. I learnt on buses half would be for black people and half for white – Rosa Parks helped to stop this.

L – I didn’t know that drinking and smoking was bad for you and that nicotine was addictive and bad for you.

L – Calm down session before helps us to learn after – we’re ready.

E – listening to everyone brings short term memory things to your long-term memory and stays in your mind forever.

E – it helps us learn about how to be ourselves, how to let things out that are worrying us. You learn about disabilities like autism and ASHD, so we know how to recognise it and don’t make fun of people because you understand and appreciate that not everyone is the same.

L - it is a place to sit and let things out – what is said in the circle, stays in the circle – not taken on the playground. When you are older you know what is happening. We feel safe to express ourselves and know it won’t be told to others outside of the circle. It is a way to communicate with classmates and get to know them. What to talk about and what not to.

Year 5

Both went straight to the book

S – learning about relationships, dating, online relationships. We have been learning why we look up to people, why are they your idol. We looked at the effects of alcohol on your immune system and how old you must be 18 to drink it. Putting yourself in Toby’s position whose dad drinks and how it can make you feel. The more you do it, the more addicted you can get – my dad smokes and that happened.  Tobacco, nicotine affect our health all different part of the body.

J – family and friends relationships. We have been looking at idols. We look at describing them and why they are idols. We have looked at healthy and unhealthy options. We have looked at different body parts and the effects of smoking and drinking on them. We have learnt about money and being realistic and how to work hard for your dreams.

S - never judge a book by its cover. You don’t always know what is happening at home. People can judge without knowing the facts.

J – I thought smoking wasn’t bad for you but now I know how it can affect you badly. I also learnt that vaping is better than smoking but still has risks.

S – people being respectful and not judging you. Being in a circle help rather than tables – it means we can be flexible and move places and not as claustrophobic.

J – calm environment – people aren’t talking in your face.

S - it is a place to talk and be relaxed. It teaches you life skills and how to cope with them and help others. It has helped me with my mental health – I can speak my mind. It has really helped when I lost my little brother. When you let your feelings out it makes me feel free – it’s hard to get stuck emotions out but this helps to express.

J - You can speak out and don’t have to bottle it up until you explode. You would know how to help others with for examples if a friend. I don’t have to keep bad things inside me now -we have a safe place to express our feelings – it encouraged me to talk to the right people like my mum rather than keeping a problem to myself. .

Year 6

L – we have learnt about different types pf things to other lessons – it's more personal and looking within.

 We learnt about weapons and what part the police or people might think if you surround yourself with people involved.

J- learnt about the five people we can trust and contact if you need to. We also learnt a lot about knife crime and it’s place in the community – we know how to keep ourselves safe.

I – learnt about how to help others when they are feeling isolated or worried – there are lots of things we know what to do now and when.

L - sometimes I feel uncomfortable about the topic but we are made to feel at ease and I realise that it is important you know.

I – We change topics quite a bit and I like that it is what will help us in that moment. Like with the drugs- there were some drugs noticed on the ground in our near area so people cam to talk to us about it. We’ve also learnt about who we are and that we are all valuable whatever our differences and we should stick to things that are better for us.

I – just because of your appearance and your differences you should not be treated differently.

L - you cannot help or control how you look and we know how to make people feel more confident and positive about their self and believe in themselves. We want them to forget the negative and focus on the positive.

J – when you get older you go through changes. You get more hair on your body so now I know and am more aware.

I – awareness can help you deal with things

I – we are always made to feel comfortable and can choose who we work with to have good discussions. Mrs Shields helps us learn by supporting our choices and directing us when certain group members need a little help to figure out who they’re good with – it can be so useful – our groups communication got so much better.

We have regular brain breaks.

We are always very active – like drawing and designing.

L – if you learn about things that are bad you now know to try and avoid it and if the are god, go and seek it. Important to be able to understand the world and try to avoid things that won’t help you.

I – it’s important to learn about others and how actions and things affect them. It raises an awareness of what goes on in our community and the world which gives us more understanding.

J – it covers areas that otherwise we would never learn about.

L - it makes you think how you can turn experiences and things into positive parts of life.